Auf deutsch.

Frame 112785, serial 104

Memorandum by the State Secretary in the German Foreign Office

St. S. Nr. 925 December 31, 1940.

The Finnish Minister, whom I saw today on the occasion of the signing of a treaty, in connection with his New Year's wishes expressed hope for his country. He stated that in his homeland people were now reassured, because they thought they knew that in a future conflict with Russia they would not stand alone.
In my reply I used the formula that the Russian Government certainly realized that Germany did not desire any new unrest in the North.


Source: Nazi-Soviet relations 1939-1941. Documents from the Archives of The German Foreign Office. Washington, Department of State, publication 3023, 1948. (Also in Documents on German foreign policy, Series D, XI, Nr. 587, HMSO, London 1961).

Previous document (Dec. 18) | Finland in Great Power politics.