All of His loyal Subjects because of the Change-over of the Fortress of Sveaborg
Issued at Stockholm Castle on the 6th of May 1808
WE GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS by the Grace of God, King of Sweden, of the Goths and Wends &c. &c. &c. Heir to Denmark and Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein &c. &c.
We wish to give you Our beloved loyal subjects, Our favorable gracious goodwill and God the Almighty's most favorable blessing. We are well aware, that the unexpected transfer of the Sveaborg Fortress to the enemy must have caused anxiety and worry among all reasoning people; But should you not, faithful Subjects and honest Swedish Men, in misfortune lose your courage or faith in the salvation of the Fatherland. May this disgusting incident itself increase your intrepidity, double your pains, and should it give further strength and life to your efforts, so that with united forces we can resist the enemy's plots and everyone, doing his task to the best of his abilities, can assist and contribute in the salvation and defence of the beloved Fatherland and ardently support our incessant efforts towards these precious goals. May you, in fulfilling with care this great and holy duty, turn to Eternal, Just and Almighty God seeking hope and comfort in Him who, in His wisdom, not seldom puts honesty and perseverance to the test but never forgets to protect and reward them; And may you rest assured that those who honestly and faithfully honour these precious duties, which are imposed on them in this world and which once are to be accounted for before the Almighty, will in their own breast enjoy such a satisfaction and reward of which even the most odious fate cannot them deprive. May you all be blessed by God, the Almighty and Merciful.
Stockholm Castle 6 May 1808.
History of Russian Navy by the publishing house "Alexander PRINT". Unfortunately a lot of names have become almost unrecognisable because of the Russian transliteration (e.g. Gangut = Hangöudd).